Welcome to the website of the preparatory study for industrial and professional (i.e. commercial) Laundry Appliances. General information follows after the News items - please scroll below.
What’s new?
- 3 February 2025: Save the date: The second stakeholder meeting is planned to take place in Brussels on 10 April 2025. Registered stakeholders shall be informed once a preliminary agenda is available and once registration begins.
- 2 September 2024: The first stakeholder meeting shall be held in Brussels on 30 September 2024. You can find the provisional agenda and register for the meeting by 23 September under the following link: registration form
13 August 2024: the 2nd stakeholder consultation has been extended by a further week and shall run until Friday the 30.8.2024. You can access the consultation survey through the following link.
7 August 2024: the 2nd stakeholder consultation has been extended by two weeks and shall run until Friday the 23.8.2024. You can access the consultation survey through the following link.
12 July 2024: To collect information for tasks 1 through 4 of the preparatory study, the 2nd consultation has been launched. We would like to ask you to contribute to the study through your participation in the consultation. You can access the consultation survey through the following link. The consultation duration is between 12.7.2024 and 9.8.2024.
- 10 June 2024: The deadline for submitting contributions to the first online consultation has been extended until 21 June 2024 – it addresses MEErP Task 1 (scope) and is accessible here
17 May 2024: A first online consultation has been launched – it addressed MEErP Task 1 (scope) and is accessible here
- 17 May 2024: The registration for the project’s online platform has opened, please register here
- 1st March 2024: Start of the Ecodesign preparatory Study for industrial and professional (i.e. commercial) Laundry Appliances
General information:
In the scope of the study are industrial and professional (i.e. commercial) Laundry Appliances
According to the definitions of the European standards EN 50640:2018 and EN 50594:2018 (and EN 17116-4:2019, EN 17116-3:2019, and EN 17116-2:2019), the scope encompasses industrial and professional (i.e. commercial) Laundry Appliances. Household laundry appliances are not covered by the current study. Please note that Household Laundry Appliances will be covered in a forthcoming study expected to start shortly.
This study on industrial and professional (i.e. commercial) Laundry Appliances provides the European Commission with a technical, environmental and economical analysis in accordance with relevant European Directives. The analysis will be based on the Methodology for Ecodesign of Energy-related Products (MEErP) detailed on the methodology page.
The overall policy target of this study is to establish sustainability requirements for professional laundry appliances. Consequently, the study will be divided in three main tasks:
- Preparatory Ecodesign Study - Following the MEERp methodology
- To support the European Commission Services on the Impact Assessment
To support the European Commission Services in preparing a draft proposal of ESPR Delegated Act(s) and/or Energy Labelling Delegated Act(s) for professional laundry appliances
The preparatory Ecodesign Study has started in March 2024 and is expected to be completed in February 2025. Reports and other related documents will be published on the Documents section of this website.
If you would like to read more about the background of this study, then please visit the Introduction.